To Russia With Love | Narrator | Dea McAllister, Dir. / Prod. /* |
Sheriff 911 | Star | Chris Miller, Director |
With A Little Help | Star | PBS Movie |
What Has Four Wheels and Flies? | Co-Star | Paramount (Pilot) |
This Is The Life (4 Episodes) | Co-Star | AMMI Prods. |
Vegas | Co-Star | 20th Century Fox |
The Choice | Featured | NBC MOW - David Green, Dir. |
Police Woman | Featured | Untited Artists |
The Wizard | Lead | Pipeline Prods. / Universal |
Hard Country | Featured | Universal |
Seems Like Old Times | Featured | Columbia |
Herbie Goes Bananas | Featured | Disney |
Big Wednesday | Featured | Warner Brothers |
Door TV | Co-Host | Mentor Media (Pilot) |
Americana Digest | Co-Host | Americana TV Network |
Star Scene | Co-Host | Americana TV Network |
Chuck's Country | Co-Host | Longston Productions |
West Fest, The Special | Co-Host | Country Music Television |
*Angel Award Winner |
Goodbye | Lead | USC Senior Film Project |
Copyright © Dea McAllister. All Rights Reserved. All contents of this site (including artwork, text, photos, other representations of the artworks, materials related to the artworks) are protected by copyright – any use of these materials without the express permission of Dea McAllister is a violation of said copyrights.